ICEBREAKER is a free-blown glass samovar designed to be an object that leaves people questioning and empowered to drink in peace. Its purpose could be to bring international diplomats and politicians from Finland together with Russian leaders in society to react to the tensions between the two countries.
Based on the design strategy of social design, simenwillem and the independent glassblowers Slate Grove and Zachary Compton experimented, designed and realised the first edition of ICEBREAKER on Aalto University's grounds.
"Through ICEBREAKER, I intend to create a physical link between leader and citizen, creating an object that serves a beau-tea-full connection."
Future glassware manufacturers can develop high-end products and social ceremonies symbolising transparency, openness, and discussion for all as fundamental rights.
Exhibition Narrative:
This icebreaker is the first-ever prototype of a newfound - slow - tea ceremony, which sheds light on the question: What cultures, aesthetics and customs can one be inspired by during the (current) Cold War? Can the passion for design manifest as an object of discussion instead of a military weapon? With the topic of coldness, the icebreaker advocates for an invitation to negotiate. It tries to find its authentic voice, separate from beauty traditions found in religious narratives and instead tries to encourage another type of spirituality to gather around for. A space wherein we have warmth be our remedy, to see the peace hiding deep inside us. Do you mind spilling the tea for me?
This piece is a product prototype imitating the intended material: borosilicate glass, which is fire-resistant and, therefore, preferable for holding hot liquids like tea.
This project, created as a tribute to the Finnish glass manufacturers Iittala and Rihimaki Glass Museum, is a 2025 vision of the industry's future.

- Dedicated to Tomi Launo